Publications And Documents Of Oto

Publications And Documents Of Oto Cover Publications

The International Headquarters and U.S. Grand Lodge of O.T.O. publish several periodicals, listed below; many individual Lodges, Oases and Camps issue periodicals as well.

Agape is the Official Organ of U.S. Grand Lodge. See the Agape page for more information, including online copies of all issues.
The Equinox

Founded in 1909 e.v., this serial has had a long and distinguished history in issuing the principal literature of A?A? and O.T.O. The Equinox, Vol. III, No. 10 appeared in 1986 e.v. and contains most of Crowley's writings on O.T.O. (in print with Samuel Weiser, Inc.)
The Oriflamme

This occasional literary journal is available to members free of charge when issued. The first issue of the current series was a collection of Jack Parsons essays entitled Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword, published in 1989 EV. The second was a collection of Crowley essays, The Revival of Magick, published in 1998 EV. Both are in print with Thelema Media.
The Magical Link

This is an occasional newsletter for members only, which was first issued in 1981 e.v. The Magical Link is delivered free of additional charge to dues-current associate and initiate members of the Order. Each issue of The Magical Link contains an updated address list of all O.T.O. local bodies and reports of O.T.O. activities worldwide.
Local Publications

Many O.T.O. Lodges, Oases and Camps publish their own local newsletters and occasional publications with articles, fiction, poetry and artwork by local members. An updated directory of these publications appears in The Magical Link.

Many current and historical works of O.T.O and Thelemic interest are available in our online library.

A much larger collection of useful texts is available at The Hermetic Library. Also, Thelemapedia offers user-contributed articles on hundreds of subjects relevant to the study of Magick, Thelema, and the O.T.O. Neither of these resources is owned or sponsored by U.S. Grand Lodge.
Official documents and forms

See this page for a list of official documents and forms, with version numbers and revision dates, and links to those available online.

U.S. Grand Lodge operates a bookstore as an affiliate of Barnes & Noble. Many books of potential interest to Thelemites are available for purchase there. U.S.G.L. receives a percentage of all sales of these books, and of anything purchased at the Barnes & Noble website after following one of our links to their site.

Thelema Media is the publishing arm of O.T.O. International, offering high-quality reprints of Thelemic works.

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