
Aleister Crowley And The Practice Of The Magical Diary

Aleister Crowley And The Practice Of The Magical Diary Cover

Book review: Aleister Crowley And The Practice Of The Magical Diary by Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley penned "John St. John" as an antidote to claims that the practice of magic necessarily involved long periods of seclusion, preparation and meditation. This diary demonstrates how one can achieve the same ends without renouncing mundane life, making it an invaluable case study for anyone contemplating a Great Magical Retirement. Paired with the diary of his star pupil, Charles Stansfeld Jones, this compilation from The Equinox is a primer on how to keep a magical record...a fundamental practice in Crowley's scientific illuminism. Mr. Wasserman's articulate annotations illuminate the more obscure or cryptic entries, and the humorous culinary glossary alone is worth the price of admission. Aleister Crowley And the Practice of the Magical Diary is an indispensible resource for all students of magick.

If the title sounds familiar, it's because Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary has appeared before - but this revised, expanded edition is a top pick for any adept or student who wants a sampling of texts drawn from Volumes 1 and III of Crowley's impressive The Equinox. Here are step-by-step methods and descriptions which includes John Street John and A Master of the Temple from the original - perfect for occult students.

Find Aleister Crowley's book in amazon.com:
Aleister Crowley And The Practice Of The Magical Diary

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