Meditation Ascii

Meditation Ascii Image
developed by Leigh Ann Hussey
with help from Shadowthought and Josh Gordon

Each line of the music consists of 4 lines of music. The time signature(s),
the lines between bars, and each note take up one column, with modifiers such as sharps, flats, and dots extending a note up to three columns. The time signature is written at the beginning in the obvious way. Three vertical bars (lines 2 to 4) mark the divisions between measures. Lines 1 to 3 indicate note durations, as follows:

1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 dotted-1/2 1/8 1/4
note note note note note rest rest
' %
o o.

Line 4 indicates the pitch. The numbers 1 to 8 mark the octave including middle C (A through F); 1
' to 8', one octave above middle C; 1" to 8", two octaves above middle C; '1 to '8, the octave below middle C. A number followed by a # is a sharp; a number followed by a lower-case b is a flat. Underscores connecting a note to the next note indicate a slur. Consider the following examples:


- o o o
4 1 7b 1 1 7b 1 1 3b 2 7b 7b 2 1
Hoof and horn, hoof and horn, All that dies shall be re-born.
Corn and grain, corn and grain, All that falls shall rise a- gain.


" "
- o o
4 3' 5' 5' 2' 2' 1' 6 6
Hey Yah Hey Hey Yah

(1) and (2) mark beginnings for round

" " "
4 3' 2' 1' 7 6 1' 7 1' 2' 5 3' 1' 3' 2' 1' 7 6 1'
We come from the fire, Living in the fire, Go back to the fire,

" "

o o. o o
7 1' 2' 7 1' 3' 4' 5' 4' 3' 1' 3' 3' 3' 3' 4' 4'
turn the world around! We come from the fire, Go back to the fire,


2' 2' 7 7 1'
turn the world around.

ADDITIONAL We come from the mountain, living in the mountain,
VERSES: Go back to the mountain, turn the world around!
We come from the mountain;
Go back to the mountain, turn the world around!

(Also: spirit, ocean, prairie, forest, river, water, etc.)

I'm the hundreth monkey, we're a hundred monkeys,
Be the hundreth monkey, turn the world around!
Be the hundreth monkey,
Be the hundreth monkey, turn the world around!


" "
4 % % % %
4 1 5 4 3 2 4 5 1 '7 4 3 2 1 3 4 '7
Aum Shiva--ya- Va-shi, Aum Shiva--ya- Va-shi,...

From Crowley: "Note that 'shi' means rest, the absolute or male aspect of the Deity; 'va' is energy, the manifested or female side of Deity. This mantra represents the whole course of the Universe, from Zero through the finite back to Zero."


" " "
2 '
- o
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 '7 '7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '7 '7 1
I-sis,A- star-te, Di- a- na, He- ca-te, De- me-ter,Ka- li, In-na- na.
O-din,Cer-nun- nos, Merd-dyn,Man-na-nan,He- li-os, Shi-va, Horned One.

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Order Of The Golden Dawn - Meditation With The Archangel Auriel
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