He She Kisses The Blade Of The Athame

He She Kisses The Blade Of The Athame Image

Erecting The Temple

The Circle is marked out on the floor, there is a candle at each cardnil point, Yellow to the East, Red to the South, Blue to the West, Green to the North. The Alter is set up in the center of the Circle so that when you are facing it you will be facing East. On teh alter are one or two whit alter candles, thurible, dishes of salt and of water, Bell, bowl of anointing oil, goblet of wine, libation dish, sword and the preist's athames.
CENSERER Lights the insence and the alter candles, and leaves the Circle
to wait with teh rest of the Coven in the Northeastern Quarter.
PRIEST/PRIESTESS Enter the Circle from the East,(just on the northern
side of the east candle)-as will all-when they come in-and move to stand
before the alter, facing east. PRIEST Rings the Bell three times.

PRIEST/ESS: "Be it known that the Temple is about to be erected; the Circle is about to be cast. Let those who desire attendance, gather in the east and await the summons. Let none be here, but of their own free will."

PRIEST AND PRIESTESS Take an alter candle and move around the alter,
deosil, and across to the east. PRIESTESS lights the East candle from
the one that she carries.

PRIESTESS: "Here do I bring Light and air in at the East, to illuminate our Temple and bring it the Breath of Life."

They move round to the South, where the PRIEST lights the South Candle.

PRIEST: "Here do I bring Light and Fire in at the South, to illuminate our Temple and bring it warmth."

They move West, where the PRIESTESS lights the West Candle.

PRIESTESS: "Here do I bring light and Water in at the west, to illuminate our Temple and wash it clean."

They move to the North, where the PRIEST lights the North candle.

PRIEST: "Here do I bring Light and Earth in at the North, to illuminate our Temple and bring it strength.

They move on to the East, then back to the Alter and replace there
candles. PRIEST/ESS* Takes up the sword, and returning to the East, now
walks slowly around the Circle, Deosil, with the sword tip pointing at
the line that marks the Circle, As he/she walks he/she concentrates
power into the line of the Circle. When completed he/she returns to the
alter, the Bell is rung three times. PREIST places the point of his
ahtame into the Salt and says:

PRIEST: "As salt is life, let it purify us in all ways we may use it. Let it cleanse our bodies and spirits, as we dedicate ourselves in these rites, to the glory of the God and Goddess."

PRIESTESS takes up the satl dish, and using the point of her athame,
drops three portions of salt into the water. She stirs the new salted
water with the athame and says:

PRIESTESS: "Let the sacred salt drive out any impurities in this water, may we use it through out these rites."

PRIEST takes up the thurible; PREISTESS takes up the salted water, they
again move around the alter to the east, where they start to walk deosil
around the Circle, the Priestess sprinkles the salted water while the
Priest censes the line of the Circle. When they reach there starting
point in the East. They return to the alter and replace these tools. The
Priest then talkes a pinch of the salt and drops it into the anointing
oil, and stirs it with his finger, deosil, He then anoints the Priestess
(note: if robed the Celtic Cross alone is used, If skyclad, the petagram
and inverted triangle follow.)

PRIEST: "I consecrate thee in the name of the God and the Goddess, biding you welcome to this their Temple."

They salute, then the PRIESTESS anoints the Priest, with the same words
and salute. They both move together round the alter to the east, the
Priestess carries the oil, the Priest his athame. There he makes two
cuts along the line of the Circle, thus opening it. One at a time the
coveners enter the Circle, as they do they are anointed, the males by
the Priestess, the Females by the Priest, and greeted with the words:

PRIEST/ESS: "I consecrate you in the names of the God and the Goddess, bidding you welcome to this their Temple. Merry Meet."

The COVENERS move to stand all around the Alter, as far as possible,
alternating male and female, when the last has been admitted, the Priest
closes the Circle again by drawing his athame across the lines
connecting the two broken ends. The Priestess sprinkles a little oil on
the line, and then the priest seals the line by drawing a pentagram in
the air with his athame. Then they return to the alter, the bell is rung
three times.

PRIEST/ESS: "May you all be here in peace and in love. We bid you
welcome. Now let the Quarters be saluted and the Gods invited."

The COVENER standing closest to the East turns round and moves to where
he/she is facing the East Candle, With his/her athame raised he/she
draws an invoking pentagram and says:

COVENER: "ALL hail to the element of air, watchtower of the East. May it stand in strength, ever watching over our circle."

He/she kisses the blade of the athame, and returns to the Circle. When
he/she has returned the COVENER closest to the South turns and moves to
the South, facing the south candle he/she holds their athame high in
salute, draws the invoking pentagram and says:

COVENER: "ALL hail to the element of fire, watchtower of the South. May it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle."

With this said he/she kisses the blade of the athame, and returns to the
Circle. When he/she has returned, the COVENER closest to the West turns
to face the west moves before the West Candle, raises his/her athame
draws the invoking pentagram and says:

COVENER: "ALL hail the the element of water, watchtower of the West,may it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle."

With this said he/she kisses the blade of the athame, and returns to the
Circle. When he/she has returned, the COVENER closest to the North,
tuens to face the North, moves before the North candle, holds the athame
up in salute, draws an invoking pentagram and says:

COVENER: "ALL hail to the element of earth, watchtower of the north, may it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle."

With this said he/she kisses the blade of the athame and returns to the
Circle. When he/she has returned, PRIEST/ESS draws a pentagram in the
air with the athamne and says:

PRIEST/ESS: "All hail the four quarters, and all hail the Gods! We bid the Lord and Lady welcome, and invite that they join with us, witnessing these rites we hold in their honor. ALL HAIL!"


PRIEST: "Let us share the cup of friendship."

PRIEST takes the goblet, and pours a little of the wine onto the groud,
or into the libation dish, saying:

PRIEST: "The Lord and the Lady"

He then takes a drink and passes the goble to the Priestess who takes a
drink and passes it to the nearest covener on her left who takes a drink
and passes it left and so on. When the goblet has been around the Circle
and all have drunk, it is returned to the alter, the bell is rung three

PRIESTESS: "Now are we all here and the Temple is erected. let none leave but with good reason, till the Temple is cleared, so mote it be!"

ALL: "So mote it be!"

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